Preventing Pressure Sores While Traveling
Pressure sores are areas of damage to the skin and underlying tissue resulting in lesion and ulceration. They commonly occur over bony areas such as the buttocks, shoulders, hip and heels. They can be difficult to treat, can be painful and in extreme cases even cause death. They are mostly caused by too much pressure on one area, friction from rubbing, and shearing of the skin and tissue. I love to travel and can get caught up with the excitement of a new trip. I have gotten pressure sores on my butt and once on my ankle and they are always annoying but I always take them seriously before they get out of hand. The best way to avoid pressure sores is to prevent them from happening. When you are at home it is so much easier to prevent them because you are so much more proactive. You can lay down if you sat in your wheelchair too long. Vacations are short term and you only have an allocated amount of time to do anything. Just because you are on vacation doesn’t mean you have to worry more about preventing pressure sores. Here are a few things that I do on every trip to prevent pressure sores.
Always Use A Proper Cushion
A good cushion on your wheelchair really helps out. I use a Roho cushion which has many air bubbles to help evenly distribute the weight of your body on the seat. Make sure you bring the air pump for your cushion when you travel.

leaning back while waiting for food
Take A Relief Break
Yes you are on vacation but please don’t forget to take a relief break by either tilting your powerchair or by leaning your manual chair back onto a couch or a seat. 15 to 30 minutes every few hours is sufficient. You don’t have to have this break hinder your trip. Incorporate this break into your day by relaxing at a park, garden or show. Maybe take a break while your travel companions are getting ready for the day or while eating.
Use Proper Transfer Techniques
This is quite important whether you are transferring by yourself or getting a friend to transfer you. You do not want to scrape or injure your bottom during transfers. Be careful also when sitting on hard surfaces like a train seat, amusement rides etc.

transfer from bus to wheelchair
Get A Trusted Friend To Monitor Pressure Spots
If you can’t see in certain areas by yourself, get someone you trust to help you check for red spots, pressure points on your bottom. Make sure they know what they are looking for. It is a good idea to check for pressure spots on a daily basis especially after a long day of sight-seeing or doing vigorous activities.
Bring A First Aid Kit
It is always a good idea to bring your medical kit with whatever you think you may need. I always bring extra band-aids, patches, gauze, pads, just in case I need them. You never know if you get a sore, blister or anything. It is always better to come prepared.
Don’t Stress Too Much And Have Fun
You ARE on vacation, so please try to have a good time and not worry too much. Even if you have a minor injury or ulcer and it is not life threatening, go out and enjoy yourself. I had pressure sores developing on trips many times. I just try and be careful for the rest of the trip and will worry more once I get home.
These are the things I do to prevent pressure sores while travelling. It is best to avoid these bothersome ulcers because I love to get out and do lots while I travel. The healthier you are the more you can do!
kinner shah
m also 95% disable and travelled many cities in Indai.
m using same techniques which u use.
please contact me. if u need help.
also contact if u wants to travel India
Thanks for your comment. I was just in Mumbai and Chennai 3 months ago and loved it. I hope to visit other parts of India in the near future.